Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Baby Bath Seats - What You Should Look For

I have 19 months old son, and this article was informative for me being a dad.

When your baby is old enough to sit on its own you might want to use a bath seat for the baby. In fact, many parents are quite happy without any, but still, the demand is there and you can see some bath seats in your local store. Actually, you may even find this device to be quite helpful. But there are some points that should be considered prior to buying any bath seat.

We all know that bathing together with your child is a unique experience that no parent really wants to miss. Besides, it will give you both valuable sensations. That is one of the best ways to support your personal contact. You can play, massage your child, breast feed it in the tab and so on.

When the baby is too young some parents will prefer bathing it in a small baby tub. But after the child begins to sit without your help, it's for sure that the baby will no longer want to lay still. At this point you can either take it to your tub with you or bathe it in the sink if you want to make it quick.

Of course, some people buy bath seats for babies because holding children could be sometimes a tough job. Especially, if the parents are off to work and the child is being looked for by a grandma or a grandpa, such devices can be handy.

Besides, they are designed to look attractive and they have spinning toys. Sometimes, parents buy them for some occasional usage and would rather bathe together with their children most of the time. Sure enough, some helpful device can be used once in a while as long as it is safe.

To tell you the truth, there are numerous opinions on the safety of them. Some of them are quite contradictory. As a matter of fact, some public groups even contacted the authorities from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission asking them to ban the product. They gathered some unfortunate statistics regarding small babies' deaths due to some improper usage of bath seats. The overwhelming majority of such cases happened when babies were left by adults on their own in the tub. The group represented the opinion that they were somehow mistaken by the parents for some sort of safety device, when they are actually not.

It should be understood in the first place that little babies should not be left alone while bathing. No matter if you use any bath seat or not. In case you do use this device make sure that the baby can easily be reached by the adult who looks after it. Do not walk out of the bathroom while your child is there.

While choosing the bath seat you should definitely look for a new model. It should not have any suction cups. It must have normal leg holes. Make sure the bath seat is convenient for your child. Children can differ greatly from one another in this age. Yet, manufactures tend to produce some standard product. Look out for rough edges. They can scratch your baby's skin.

The whole thing should be stable and you should make sure the bath seat is properly fixed. Do not use any seats if the bottom of your tub is nonskid or textured. It should be absolutely smooth. Always read the product instructions attentively. The weight and the age should match.

By Ambrose Chalmers

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