Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Review on 24 tv show of Fox network

I like this show very much and enjoy watching it. But in the session 8th, it seems that the writer of the show created a character of Jeany(data analyst) which was fine, but then writer starts the personal story of her that was totally unnecessary and waste of time and even didn't fit with the show... I hope they correct it.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Is Tiger Wood really ashamed?

I usually don't write on somebody's personal life, but Tiger Wood is well Known Golfer who literally destroyed his own reputation himself. Tiger Wood's apology looks real ( I hope it is) and hope he doesn't mess it up again...

Here is the link to a a video of his apology...

Tiger Woods apology video


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


If you want to get success in your life, you have to make plan and stick to it.....


Sunday, February 14, 2010

A quick Post...

I am working on some websites that can generate money online. It's a lot of work. I mean you have to work in order to get it work. You have to treat this work as a business or else you would not be able to do anything...


Friday, February 12, 2010

Fox TV Show " Past Life"

The idea of reincarnation has been around since the first man on the earth. There has been written movies been made on the same concept. Recently I got the chance to watch the new Fox TV show, " Past Life" and I must say that it was really impressive and well made.All actors did good acting. Well chosen locations...

But one point maybe little exaggerated, like triggering the past life memory... Other than that I would give this show 4 stars.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to take care of New born baby

I was going over this article and found it very useful. This is about how to take care of new born baby


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Baby Bath Mats

I just went to this site that has information about baby Bath Mats. I know sometimes it is very hard to give a bath to a baby in the bath tub if tub is slippery as I have a baby. Seems this information can help..


Quick Review about "Finding the best student loan"

I read this article and found it somewhat informative, so thought let's mention it on my blog....this is about Finding the best student loan.


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Terms of Student Loan Repayment

This article seems to have good information about Terms of Student Loan Repayment. Worth to see it.


Sunday, February 07, 2010

Student Loan Consolidation Rates

This article gives information about Student loan consolidation rates and how to get them.


Country Music-She got the rhythm

Alan Jackson's song, She got the rhythm is a beautiful song.


Friday, February 05, 2010

NextStudent Federal Consolidation program

NextStudent Federal Consolidation program is the Student Loan Consolidation program that helps college students to consolidate loans into one affordable monthly payment and also with fixed interest rate. Thought to give my some view about it.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Good Times....A Country Song

Alan Jackson's song, "Good Times" is really a good song. Has good music and rhythm and beat to it. I like it very much.. He got such a perfect voice and control on the song!


How to get rid of Student Loan without filing bankruptcy

I see that students who have a lot of student loan and struggling and having nightmares for paying them. There has to be a way that a student can get out of debt quickly and without being getting into bankruptcy. This guy has a secret of how to do it. In order to find out what is that secret that if you have $63000 student loan then how you can get rid of it within 4 months...

Get rid of Student loan without filing bankruptcy


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Updating my profile

Though this is not a news, but thought to write it anyway as I have been procrastinating for years, but finally decided to update it. Seems I am getting really interested in blogging now!

Another buzz from me!!

How The New Computer User Can Reduce Spam

Every computer user gets spam in their email almost daily. There is just no way to avoid junk email unless you want to delete it without reading it. Yes, you can compare it to those telemarketers who call you at dinnertime (or any other time). There is no way to avoid having an email address on the computer because if you have an account, you must have an email address to do business on the Internet. Someone will find a way to contact you either by phone, snail mail or email to try to "sell" you an idea, plan, or a product. There is just no escaping junk email if you have an account on the Internet, and this unwanted email can become annoying at times.

Spam filters are used by most of the Internet Service Providers such as American Online. The computer user fills out a list of overused spam words in the email settings filter and saves it. After the settings go into effect, any any future email containing the spam word that you inserted into the filter will not make it into your email account. You may get spam in your spam folder, but some of it may be email you may want to read. If you want the email in your regular email , you can whitelist the email address in your address book so that the email is sent directly to your email account.

Be cautious in revealing your personal email address, for privacy or for safety reasons as well as avoiding spam. Do not let fear of spammers limit your time on the Internet forums or groups, as you can use a free email address or a disposable email account such as those on Hotmail,, and Yahoo. Addresses from these accounts are often used by people to guard their privacy on forums and groups on the Web. When you feel that you know someone trustworthy, you can give them your personal email address. But have at least one or two different free disposable email addresses to cut the spamming in the personal email account.

Avoid responding to unsolicited spam as it will confirm your address to the spammer which could, in turn, send you even more spam than you will ever want to see. Also if you answer or complain about the offensive emails it may only come back to your email address as undeliverable or may be sent to some other annoyed computer user's address. You can call or email your Internet Service Provider and ask what their procedure is in blocking spam. Several years ago, I remember sending manually a few hundred junk emails back to the Report Abuse team at my free email account. This worked very well as it has not happened again. Find out from your Internet Service Provider how they can help you end the onslaught of spam. Usually the spammer's account will be terminated or shut down if there are enough complaints from consumers.

Check with Spam Cop and Network Abuse Clearninghouse's resources and information for people who receive spam. These informative resources can contact the Internet Service Providers so that the spammer is made aware of complaints, although at times they may not always be accurate. Remember that the spam will continue if people remain complacent or just too lazy to report it.

Reducing the level of spam in your mailbox may take a little time and effort on your part. What you can also do is start blocking certain email addresses that come from repeated spammers. The junk emails are then blocked before they even reach your mailbox address. Again, set up the spam filter to block emails containing certain spam words so that you will not receive them. These two techniques alone will reduce the onslaught of unwanted junk emails in your personal email account.

The computer user must be careful of not clicking on email attachments from unknown senders as they can contain various types of viruses and infectious worms that can harm your computer or files. If you did not request a email to be sent to you, do not open an attachment as it could be a worm. You do not want to pay for expensive computer repairs. These problems, in turn, can be avoided if you have a strong firewall and good antivirus software in place on your computer. Do not be indifferent and believe that it will not happen to you. Be cautious, and try to research on protecting your computer. your online and offline privacy, and your Internet account.

Baby Bath Seats - What You Should Look For

I have 19 months old son, and this article was informative for me being a dad.

When your baby is old enough to sit on its own you might want to use a bath seat for the baby. In fact, many parents are quite happy without any, but still, the demand is there and you can see some bath seats in your local store. Actually, you may even find this device to be quite helpful. But there are some points that should be considered prior to buying any bath seat.

We all know that bathing together with your child is a unique experience that no parent really wants to miss. Besides, it will give you both valuable sensations. That is one of the best ways to support your personal contact. You can play, massage your child, breast feed it in the tab and so on.

When the baby is too young some parents will prefer bathing it in a small baby tub. But after the child begins to sit without your help, it's for sure that the baby will no longer want to lay still. At this point you can either take it to your tub with you or bathe it in the sink if you want to make it quick.

Of course, some people buy bath seats for babies because holding children could be sometimes a tough job. Especially, if the parents are off to work and the child is being looked for by a grandma or a grandpa, such devices can be handy.

Besides, they are designed to look attractive and they have spinning toys. Sometimes, parents buy them for some occasional usage and would rather bathe together with their children most of the time. Sure enough, some helpful device can be used once in a while as long as it is safe.

To tell you the truth, there are numerous opinions on the safety of them. Some of them are quite contradictory. As a matter of fact, some public groups even contacted the authorities from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission asking them to ban the product. They gathered some unfortunate statistics regarding small babies' deaths due to some improper usage of bath seats. The overwhelming majority of such cases happened when babies were left by adults on their own in the tub. The group represented the opinion that they were somehow mistaken by the parents for some sort of safety device, when they are actually not.

It should be understood in the first place that little babies should not be left alone while bathing. No matter if you use any bath seat or not. In case you do use this device make sure that the baby can easily be reached by the adult who looks after it. Do not walk out of the bathroom while your child is there.

While choosing the bath seat you should definitely look for a new model. It should not have any suction cups. It must have normal leg holes. Make sure the bath seat is convenient for your child. Children can differ greatly from one another in this age. Yet, manufactures tend to produce some standard product. Look out for rough edges. They can scratch your baby's skin.

The whole thing should be stable and you should make sure the bath seat is properly fixed. Do not use any seats if the bottom of your tub is nonskid or textured. It should be absolutely smooth. Always read the product instructions attentively. The weight and the age should match.

By Ambrose Chalmers

I must admit.....

I must admit that country music is the best. The music is amazing...


Allen Jackson's " I am a country boy"

This song is really good. Good music, perfect match of music, this song really deserves to be popular!

I am a country boy

Easy Ways To Secure Your Computer

This is a good article....

Just follow these simple tips; your computer will be free from virus and spyware.

1. Stop and think before opening any attachment you receive.

If you don't know the sender, don't open the attachment - just delete it. It doesn't matter if the subject promises you'll see Britney Spears dancing nude on the kitchen table, just delete it.

Most of the devastating worms and viruses of recent times were distributed via email. These viruses feed on the curiosity and also the ignorance of a huge number of email users. People will get an email from fakename@weirdsuspiciousdomain and they'll just open whatever file is attached to it.

If the email is from someone you know, always scan any attachments first before downloading or opening them.

If every email user in the world followed these simple guidelines the distribution of viruses via email will grind to a halt.

2. Protect yourself

Good protection on the Internet these days consists of 3 components: anti-virus software, anti-spyware software and a firewall.

Anti-Virus Software:

Good virus protection doesn't need to cost you a fortune. You can get excellent free anti-virus software on the Internet. Even the professional version of their software is very affordable.

Anti-Spyware Software:

For spyware protection, you can get it for free on the Internet as well.

A Firewall:

As for a firewall, Windows XP ships with a decent enough firewall. Just make sure it is always enabled. Alternatively you can visit a site like and search for Zone Alarm, which has an excellent free version.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to keep your anti-virus software up to date. It is recommended that you update your anti-virus and anti-spyware software at least once a week. An anti-virus program that uses definitions that are months old is just about useless.

3. Watch out what you download

Spyware is embedded in a lot of software on the Internet - especially those related to ripping, converting and playing music and videos. That free MP3 player or DVD Ripper you just downloaded may have installed a bunch of harmful spyware without you even knowing about it.

4. Keep yourself informed

Major anti-virus software developers like Symantec and Grisoft updates their sites regularly with the latest virus alerts. Visit these sites frequently to keep yourself aware of what threats are doing the rounds and how to avoid them.

Using these simple and software I have kept my computer virus-free for the past 3 years. It's not rocket science. Just stay alert, use some common sense and you too can stay bug free while still enjoying your Internet experience.

5. Stay clear of pornographic and illegal software sites

If you want to pick up viruses and spyware quickly, visit some pornographic web sites. One wrong click on a subtle little pop-up or security warning window (which you'll run into often on these type of sites) and you'll have infested yourself with trojan horses, spyware, dialers and other unfavorable software that could leave your computer wide open to further attacks.

Follow all these useful tips and your computer will be kept secure and virus free.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Country Music

I think country music is really good.Slow, fast, music, with songs, based on observation of the country area, makes the music really good!...
