Sunday, September 24, 2006

eBay Powerseller Secrets:Insider Tips from eBay's Most Successful Sellers

I have started to read this book. I am in the begining part of the book, but what I have read so far really impressed me. There is so much wealth of knowledge for the person who is willing to do business online. Whatever I am reading in this book I am testing on the line while reading it. I will be posting my more comments about this as I go along. Buzzer


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Really a cool blog!
    Keep it up buddy!

  2. Anonymous1:06 AM

    This blog is related toSecrets Business on Ebay that one has to go to Internet and search related to secrets of ebay online business. They should gather all the relevant information related to ebay and apply it in their business. I recommend that ebay is the best online business where one can make lots of money.
